Friday, March 4, 2011

Identity Theft:

Identity Theft claims a new victim almost every 3 seconds!
Are you Protected?

With almost 10 million cases of identity theft every year in the US, this crime has reached truly epidemic proportions. Frankly, it has become critically important that everyone have some kind of quality identity protection service.

Think about it...We insure our car,our health, and our home without questioning the importance of this protection. Yet the vast majority of people don't protect their very own identity!

It's a Fact...

Identity Theft is the fasting growing crime in the US.

The average amount of fraud per victim is $31,356

The average victim spends 22 days to repair the damage

Over 50% of ID crimes go undetected for 5 months or more

Identity theft is costing Americans over $50 billion a year

In the last 5 years, approximately 500 million records containing personal identifying information of United States residents stored in government and corporate database were either lost or stolen.

If you don't have some type of quality protection, it may not be a matter of IF, but rather WHEN this invasive crime will impact you or your family.

Protect Your"Self" TODAY with 5LINX ID GUARD!

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